Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We are in need of lots of volunteers for the race on May 14, 2011!! 

I know it may seem like it is far off, but we are really trying to get things nailed down as soon as possible. So, if you can commit (no contracts, no signature in blood...I promise) to helping in one of the following areas, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Here is the list of needs. Please comment either on this blog post or in facebook and let me know how you would like to help. I promise it will be a blast!!! Oh....and there is a free t-shirt in it for you... :)

traffic/parking directors
packet pick-up table
water stations
first aid station
time keepers
face painting
after-race refreshments

We need several people for each thing, especially for set-up. 

Please, please consider how God might want to use you at this event. I am praying that God will use this race and even some of you to bless this community and help encourage others to think about adoption.

  We can't do this without you!!!

Don't forget to comment and let me know what job you would like!!! (ahem...and don't forget that awesome free t-shirt....)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome to One Less!

Welcome to One Less!

Check out the tabs up above for information on our upcoming race!

One Less 5K/3K
May 14, 2011

Post a comment and let us know if you are running!!