The Baker Family


the Baker Family!!!

Aaron, Maren, Faith (4), 
and Ava Hope (15 months) Baker

How long have you been married?
6 years

How long have you lived in Boerne?

Where are you adopting from and how old/gender?
We are adopting a child 0-35 months old from Columbia. Columbia does not allow you to choose gender, but we feel that God has a son out there for us. We will be overjoyed no matter what the gender of our child is!

When did you first hear God's call to adopt?
God laid the idea of adoption on our hearts even before we were married. Like most couples, any time we talked about it with any kind of seriousness, we became nervous and scared and didn't take it any further. It's taken us 6 years of God leading us and teaching us and opening our hearts to finally take that step of faith and obey His command.

Where are you in the adoption process?

We are in the process of getting all of our documents together. We are gathering birth certificates, marriage license, passports, photos of our family, floor plans of our house, letters from employers... you name it and we've got to have it! Once we have all of our first set of documents we can get our Home Study done. After that we will work on our Dossier and Immigration papers so that when we finally get our referral for our child we can travel quickly to bring our son or daughter home!!!

How much will your adoption cost?
Total adoption will cost $28,000 plus travel expenses when we travel to Columbia for 3-4 weeks to finalize our adoption and bring our child home.

What is your view on adoption and orphan care?

We believe that it is our job as the church to step up to the calling that Christ has given us. James 1:27 tells us that, "Religion that God the Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to not become polluted by the world." If we as Christ followers truly want to live a life that follows our fearless King, what better way than to follow HIS lead in adoption. Romans 8:15 shows us that He first adopted us and sons and daughters so that when we receive the Holy Spirit we receive a spirit not of fear, but of sonship, and we have the privilege of calling our God, "Abba, Father!". We were/are all orphans at one point during our lifetime here, but He came for us (John 14:19), just as we are to go to them. Everyone's story and involvement in adoption/ orphan care may be different, but biblically, we are all called to carry this burden. 

Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17

How can we follow your story?